Monday, July 28, 2008

Fort Morgan, Alabama

I almost threw this picture out in the garbage. I tried to rush and the perspective lines were out of whack, the colors were too garish and the trees were too even in shape. Then I did my best to salvage it with a little pen and ink and used a sponge to tone the colors down a little.
I still don't like the trees, but I think I am gonna keep it.
When I think of tropical colors, Alabama is not the first place that comes to mind. Nevertheless, Alabama does have a small slice of the Gulf of Mexico and you will definitely find a tropical atmosphere here. I can't wait to go back. There is an old stone fort here along with a lot of beautiful homes on stilts. This is close to the Gulf Shores resort area.
Watercolor, 5x7", Fabriano paper


  1. Glad you salvaged this. I know the feeling. I will like most of a painting except for a few botched areas so I've learned to be a master of salvage. So many pieces I post I do not really like but those in cyberspace do. Amazing.
