Saturday, November 10, 2007

Eads Pottery

I first drove by this place about twelve years ago and I thought then, the building was about five minutes away from total collapse. I am glad to report that it is still there. Hopefully it will be there for a long time (Eads, Route 205, Tennessee).

Watercolor, 9 x 12 ", Fabriano Paper, cold-pressed.


  1. I love it!

    I think we share a common motive in our art, and that is to create a sense of place for the viewer. It is only recently that I became conscious of this in my own work. When I see a place like Eads pottery I wonder about who owned it, what were they like, and what were there hopes and dreams for this place?

    Enough said.

  2. Totally agree. This watercolour somehow gives you a longing sensation of having a glimpse into something gone long ago. You just can't help making up stories about this house.

  3. Awww. Its lovely! I wish I could go to Tennessee some day!!!
